About Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the official London residence and principal workplace of the British monarch. Located in the City of Westminster, the palace is a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality. It has been a focus for

the British people at times of national rejoicing and crisis.

Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837 and today is the administrative headquarters of the Monarch.The Palace is very much a working building and the centrepiece of Britain's constitutional monarchy.

Buckingham Palace Night Sight

Although Buckingham Palace is furnished and decorated with priceless works of art that form part of the Royal Collection, one of the major art collections in the world today. It is not an art gallery and nor is it a museum.

Its State Rooms form the nucleus of the working Palace and are used regularly by The Queen and members of the Royal Family for official and State entertaining.

The Palace is also the venue for great Royal ceremonies, State Visits and Investitures, all of which are organised by the Royal Household.

Who Build the Palace

The history of the site where Buckingham Palace now stands can be traced back to the reign of James I (r.1603-25), who established under royal patronage a plantation of mulberries for the rearing of silkworms in what is now the Buckingham Palace garden. It was let to the man who was to give the house its name – John Sheffield, later the Duke of Buckingham.

Finding the house very dated in appearance, the Duke demolished the building to create the new ‘Buckingham House’. The house stood exactly on the site occupied by Buckingham Palace today.

Contact Details


Buckingham Palace Road,

The Mall,

London SW1A 1AA.

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7766 7300


£16.50 (Adults), £15 (Concessions), £9.50 (Under 17s), FREE (Under 5s), £44 (Family).

Opening Timings:


Opens at 30 June - 8 July and 31 July - 7 October.

Buckingham Palace will be closed 9 July - 30 July.

Last admission 3.45 pm